Because Practice makes perfect...

Test Prep

Study Harder. Study Smarter. Score Higher.

Test Prep Classes

This service is designed to support students preparing for the SAT and/or the ACT. Throughout these courses, students will review key concepts, practice answering and discussing questions from their target exam subjects, and learn techniques for tackling the different types of problems. They will also learn techniques for reading and approaching the questions more critically.

Our Spring Test Prep Classes will start March 30/31, 2024:

Math: Saturdays, Noon - 1:30 PM

English/Reading: Sundays, 3:30 - 5 PM

Interested in Test Prep? Let Us Know!
Email Brad at or Nicole at to sign up for Test Prep Classes!

Test Prep Classes

1.5 Hour Classes
$ 55
  • Groups Students Studying for the Same Exam
  • Practice Multiple Choice and Free Repsonse Questions
  • Weekly Classes With Zero Contract

Ready to get started?
Let us know!

Sign Up for Test Prep Classes.
Perform Better on the Exams.
Receive Higher Scores.

Learn More about our course offerings and sign up today!

We know school during the pandemic has been rough. These courses are designed to help your student get caught up and prepared for testing.

Seats are limited so sign up while spots last!